The latest issue of Delta Sky Magazine features an article interviewing Paul Abramson MD, the Quantified Doctor, about self-tracking technologies:
Excerpt from April 2012 Delta Sky Magazine article by Mya Frazier, starting on p. 68:
(http://quantdoctor NULL.png)
“It’s only eight in the morning on a temperate, cloudy Friday in San Francisco, yet Dr. Paul Abramson’s day started hours ago. Roused from bed in the middle of the night by a patient’s page, he was in the ER by 4 a.m. But despite a demanding morning caring for others, Abramson didn’t have to neglect the fastidious tracking of his own health, even for a minute.
Abramson can instantly offer a detailed snapshot of his key health metrics, which are monitored daily. There are the basics–body weight, 156; blood pressure, 116 over 68–followed by a series of mood metrics based on a scale of 0 ot 4, such as agitation level, 1; optimism level, 3; energy level, 1. A sensor-enabled Body Media band worn on his left arm tracks physical activity, with 2,000-plus steps and 10 pull-ups logged to far. A food log app helps him tally the calories and nutrition in a breakfast of spinach and eggs. When he went to bed, a Zeo Sleep Manager, a thin black band with an embedded sensor worn as a headband, tracked sleep patterns, including REM and deep sleep, recording a dismal night with little rest: Abramson slept just three fours, waking six times due to repeated pages and phone calls with his patient…”
The article is not yet published online, just in the printed magazine. But it’s another positive mention for the growing self-tracking technology community centered around the Quantified Self movement.
Exciting things are in store in 2012 for the Quantified Doctor including updates on the open-source BodyTrack Project (http://bodytrack, Mymee app (http://mymee, integrating self-tracking into the doctor-patient relationship, the evolving role of the Quant Coach, and several exciting conferences in the fall.
Be sure to follow @quantdoctor (http://twitter on Twitter for the latest updates. (http://paulabramsonmd
Glad to see you getting some good coverage, keep up the good work! Matt Keener, MD
Thanks, Matt. Look forward to learning more about what you’re up to with (http://moodtraining